A Coach serves as someone to keep the doctor and the practice on course.
The Coach has a different perspective and sets a higher standard.
Your Coach is someone to go to when you begin to lose focus.

Your Practice of Distinction Coach is available to you and your team on an unlimited basis.

We take a stand that the practice is able and committed.

Coaching is not a management relationship

- it is a relationship of commitment.

Having a Coach that believes in the team is very powerful.

Your Practice of Distinction Coach

is committed to your success.

Your success is their success.

What Is Coaching

    A Practice Performance Coach does just what an athletic coach does, but in a more complete and bigger way.

  • A Coach challenges you.
  • A Coach takes the time to find out what winning in life means to      you.
  • A Coach is your partner in living the life you know you can     accomplish, personally and professionally.
  • A Coach is someone to assist you in holding yourself and your     staff accountable for the results you're looking for.
  • A Coach is there to help you live up to your full potential.

 Coaching is NOT about leading someone into

a commitment they don't have. 

Your Practice of  Distinction Coach will find out exactly what you are committed to, and will be there every step of the way to help you accomplish that commitment.